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SB’s The Rant Zone: E-nough on E3!

E3 2008 has come and gone, but even now, I’m still seeing stories in the gaming press griping about how awful Nintendo’s conference was, and how the show itself has lost its luster. Granted, some of the post E3 buzz has been in a more positive light (read: how to take steps so we don’t get a repeat of this year), but there are still those that are griping about something that’s long gone.

Yes, I know Ninty didn’t have much to show. Yes, I know that Sony and MS didn’t fare that much better. Yes, the show has probably gone downhill in recent times. But there comes a time when you just have to say “Enough is enough.”

So memo to the gaming press: Can we please talk about something other than E3 for a while?

Until then, happy gaming;

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