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Happy birthday Wii!

Can you believe it has already been two years? Yes, the Nintendo Wii arrived in stores exactly two years ago today. Many of use probably still remember how hard it was to get our hands on this generation’s most popular console.

Yes, the Wii. So far it is the most successful system of the current generation. It was the Wii that put Nintendo back on it’s throne after the not-so-successful Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCube. It had a decent number of quality games released for it: No More Heroes, Super Mario Galaxy, Okami and Resident Evil 4 to name a few.

Of course we could debate about why it’s the most popular system, and we could debate even more about whether or not Nintendo truly brought innovation to gaming with the Wii and it’s motion-sensing capabilities, but this is supposed to be a celebration, so all I’ll say is:

Happy birthday Wii! We wish you many more good games and less broken TVs!

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  1. ProjectSora

    November 19, 2008 at 10:42 am

    I remember how incredibly tough it was to get a Wii during the first year. People lining up in the winter cold outside Future Shop and Best Buy to get their numbers for the limited supply shipments coming in. Prices soaring on eBay just like the PS3, but funnier yet were those shady looking guys who also waited outside those electronic stores, but instead of lining up, they'd call people to their cars, open their trunks and show them the 5-6 BNIB Wii consoles stacked inside; $650 they'd offer.

    I admit I paid quite a premium to get my Wii within the first two weeks of launch (about $100 more), but it came with an extra wiimote so at the time I didn't care.

    I sold my Wii already though, since it was just collecting dust on the shelf, but happy Wii day for all Nintendo enthusiasts!

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