Hi there.
This is probably the toughest post I’ve ever written for MonsterVine because I feel that our readership has invested a lot of their time to come here and check out our content. However, it saddens me to announce that starting Saturday August 1, 2009 we are halting publishing on the site.
I’ve decided that it is time to reevaluate our options and to move forward we must take time to devote our energy towards invigorating ourselves. While MonsterVine initially started strong, we tried to do too much [with the layout and coverage] and eventually just tired ourselves out.
Of course, this post is not about sullen banter. I am writing this with the enthusiasm that change is a gradual process and the site will evolve to fufill its potential. We will be going back to a linear blog and bringing a new site layout that is reflective of our new format. MonsterVine will always be open place for our readers, so stay classy and we will be right back.
If you are interested on being on the MonsterVine team, we are still accepting applications. We will get back to you as soon as possible.