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Gaming Highlights of the Week – 16th-22nd November

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This week saw the release of Assassin’s Creed 2 and all of it’s offspring, Left 4 Dead 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Tony Hawk: Ride, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles and my personal favourite Jambo! Safari: Animal Rescue for the Wii.

The week also saw Sony reveal their plans for a paid premium subscription service though that won’t affect any online play as that will remain free, basically turning this into another version of Qore only on a more international level. Sony’s also has shown interest in 3D gaming stating it’s support for it in 2010. It’s bad enough seeing every film being released in the cinema being in 3D, I don’t want that for consoles thank you. The PS3 also saw Facebook support making using a easy-to-use website slightly more complicated.

Nothing interesting happened with the 360 this week, other than the report that 60% of the UK’s 360’s have died, which makes me fear for mine, it better not fucking die.

A shit game has been delayed for the sake of mankind. A port of No More Heroes will be coming for the 360 and PS3 titled ‘Heroes Paradise’ but will not be supported by Ubisoft meaning it’s probably going to be Japan only, Ubisoft fail to explain why they don’t want to make more money from a good game. We also discover no-one likes Mass Effect 2’s new awful box-art so Europe replaces it for something just as bad.

There was the sad news that we must say goodbye to Pandemic Studios but the brand will stay intact. Gaming boycotter’s again show how crap they are at actually boycotting as seen with Left 4 Dead 2, though it’s no-where near as bad as those seen with Modern Warfare 2. Kane and Lynch will now see a sequel with the help with Square-Enix, maybe Square can offer more money to keep people’s mouths shut over a review score problems.


Expect showers of throwing knives all over Italy, be especially careful if your area is registered at Uplay as you will be expected to receive 5 more knives than usual. Bad freaky fog is affecting the southern parts of the USA so if you plan to go outside be prepared with a gun and melee weapon to be on the safe side, actually carry one at all times. Everywhere else can expect a tactical nuke followed by cloudy skies.


At MonsterVine we saw reviews for Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 2. Our very own Sarah tells us more Blue’s Clues about the next Zelda game. This was technically last week but we also had an Appetiser for GTA4 DLC, The Lost and Damned.

Question of the Week – What do you expect to see with Sony’s planned premium subscription service?

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