Sorry about the lack of NewsVine yesterday, during the time I had free I couldn’t access the site for some unknown reason. But today, no such problem so here’s the day today in the world of gaming.
Red Steel 2 Scheduled for March 23 Release
Ubisoft has stealthly dated Red Steel 2 for March 23, according to the publisher’s site. We’re hoping they’ve got all the kinks worked out with the extra delay time for its release.
Dishwasher Dev Announces Charlie Murder for XBL Indie Games
From the maker of The Dishwasher and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1 comes another ingenious creation. Check out the Facebook page for a look at the characters and the gameplay which looks to be an arcade beat-em-up with punk rockers and zombies. The developer says there will be a good chance the game will be in attendance for PAX East and is currently scheduled for a March 2010 release.
Bobby Kotick: Our Spider-Man Games Have Sucked for the Last Five Years
Our favorite CEO Bobby Kotick has finally admitted what gamers have known for years, Spider-Man games suck. Kotick remarked in an issue of Game Informer that the friendly neighborhood hero hasn’t been given its dues in the past gaming installments by pointing out that “they were poorly rated because they were bad games.” Who knew poor quality is directly responsible for low review scores?
Ruffian Games has plans to release a demo of the sequel to the open-world sandbox game, Crackdown 2, before the game hits retail shelves. However, no release date or timeframe was given for the demo’s release nor for the full game. Oh why do you tease us so. And a shameless plug that well be covering it on our Appetizer series when it comes out.
ESPN Sports Streaming Coming to Xbox 360?
Microsoft has a knack to use the Xbox dashboard as a way to “advertise” its featured applications such as Twitter, Facebook, Netflix for those who bother to use it as a means of convenience. Now sports fanatics (not me) can look forward to the possibility of having your 360 updated with the latest happenings in the wide world of curling. Maybe they can also tell us the difference between football and football. However those in the UK can already get access to ESPN via the Sky Player.