Capcom’s latest fighting collaboration, Street Fighter X Tekken, continues to grow as more of the game’s battle system and online features are revealed at this year’s Tokyo Game Show in Japan. Most important of these is the new overdrive mode called ‘Pandora’. It seems to be the focal point of the game’s narrative, and will no doubt play a large role in how the game will be played when used during fights. By sacrificing your team member, players will be given a huge boost in their overall abilities to help pull out a victory.
Other reveals include 4 player free for all matches (with all players fighting at the same time on screen, presumably!), fight requests via training mode with an online buddy, and the much anticipated 2 on 2 tag team battles, similar to the mode introduced in MK9 that was released earlier this year.
Street Fighter X Tekken will launch next spring for XBOX360, Playstation 3 and PSVita.
Thanks Capcom Unity for the video.

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