Square Enix released new Oninaki concept art showcasing its stylish world, objects, and fallen souls.
Drawn by Background Designer Oga Takeshi and Monster Designer Morinaga Koji, the visual inspiration plays from folklore and Eastern influences. Set in the Inner Kingdom, the environments depict ornate kingdoms and lush landscapes. Players will venture into capital cities, sovereign palaces, and an atmospheric afterlife called Beyond the Veil.
The creature design reflects the theme of life and reincarnation. Oninaki‘s main character Kagachi, a Watcher, will surely encounter these fallen monsters in the game. This is the third game from Tokyo RPG Factory and is a separate, standalone story from Lost Sphear and I Am Setsuna. More action-RPG like, this time around, Kagachi can summon Daemons who wield distinctive abilities and skills.
Oninaki releases this month, August 22nd for Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Steam for PC.