Fall Guys is the game we needed in 2020, yet it has all the problems this year has thrown at us. Don’t get too mad, let me explain.
For one, only a few people are wearing masks, and no one is practising social distancing. We’ve all seen it. The stampedes towards the open door, people standing on top of each other and leaping over those facedown on the floor. No room to breathe, no room to think, no room to reflect on the series of choices that took us here. People are selfish.
Fall Guys stands as a true statement of the times. We’re all against each other, chasing down that crown and the fleeting seconds of fame that come with it. We’ll stand on the backs of those who work hard to lead the way, breaking down the doors, and signaling safe routes. None of it matters in the pursuit of the one crown at the end of it all.
But at least we’re all outside having fun, right? Wrong! lockdown finds its way into Fall Guys. Lockdown in the menu as the servers go down, over and over and over. It’s the same thing – an attempt to keep you down. Controlled. Only to be released for the good of entertainment of the elite. Suddenly that charge to the crown sounds different. It’s all a facade… An illusion. They want you to chase that crown and that fame to distract you from all the other problems in the world.
Pineapples, Hot Dogs, Chickens, Pigeons… All these costumes acting as a way to feel different from one another or ‘standing out’ as society likes to tell us. But we’re all doing the same thing… chasing that crown. None of it matters. Think about it. What happens when you don’t make the number set by the game? Are you 43rd out of 42? You’re out of there! Failed. Left to watch the other scramble for the win or leave to try again. A vicious circle. Scramble, fail, repeat, seconds of fame… Go for more.
Just think for a second, stand back, and look at Fall Guys. Breakdown the courses:
Working together to maintain balance is key. Yet all people care about is getting to the goal first. Thus the whole event is steeped in chaos, brutality, and failure.
Dizzy Heights:
Dive between experiences of being spun around – a clear metaphor for how the average person is left in a spin by various government systems designed to hinder rather than help.
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Hit Parade:
Every turn is a hit that can floor you. A system capitalism has cultivated.
Door Dash:
Avoid the numerous fake doors and find the real ones. I don’t think I need to tell you that this is a statement on the entertainment the elite get from seeing us – the common folk – expecting progress only to be met with cold hard rejection.
Fruit Chute:
The government’s forcing of ‘five-a-day’ has never been so heavy handed. Firing genetically enhanced fruits at us, taking us down into the slimes of control. Yet more hidden agendas of the banana-shaped kind.
Team Games…
All of them. Separated into small teams trying to steal one another. It’s a sick social experiment to see just how far we’ll stoop to live in the world they created. Witnessing the brutal detailing of a packet of fries by the hands of a Dinosaur is sickening but normalised.
Whether you like it or not, Fall Guys is a control method used by the elite to keep us in our place and under their control. Even the name has roots in diabolical schemes. Fall Guys, in Latin, translates to Guy Fieri which loosely means ‘to fall upon the modern man, to bury the common folk’. Wake up! Those colorful beans, the sounds that they make when they jump. It’s all connected. Fall Guys is an exercise in restraining your freedoms at the hands of the rich and powerful, turning us against one another. All in the pursuit of seconds of fame and a life of shame.