Be the terror of the sea in Maneater! We’ve got five Switch codes to give away so that you can end the summer right. The giveaway begins today (9/23) and will run until October 3rd.

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Be the terror of the sea in Maneater! We’ve got five Switch codes to give away so that you can end the summer right. The giveaway begins today (9/23) and will run until October 3rd.
Tripwire Interactive has announced that Maneater will be receiving new DLC content to continue the game’s wacky story.
Diego, Joe, and Will chat about their favorite video game music from 2020.
As garbage of a year 2020 was, it did have some radical highs to accompany its desolate lows. Had a complete blast at PAX...
This year was absolutely insane for me, even beyond all the normal craziness of 2020. It all blended together a little bit as I...
It’s our final Holiday Gift Guide for 2020 and we all know you’ve been waiting until the last minute to shop. Don’t worry, we...