Best Soundtrack – Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Samantha: I’ll admit, the soundtrack for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles didn’t catch my attention when I first started playing. It had some good songs, but nothing that had me raving over the music. Then I reached the second game, and heard a certain theme that immediately ousted my previous favorite prosecutor theme from the top of the list and drove me to buy the soundtrack. But it was when I sat down to listen to it and paid closer attention to my favorite songs from the soundtrack l that I really started to appreciate it. The way certain songs remix previous themes and incorporate key leitmotifs and subtle details is masterful, and it gave me a whole new appreciation for the fantastic soundtrack of this incredible game.
Spencer: This collection contains some of the catchiest songs I’ve heard in years. They’re the kind of songs that play in your head when you have fake arguments in the shower, because they make you feel like the most badass, smartest person in any room. There’s a lot of heart in the soundtrack too, making the heavy moments hit even harder. The period-accurate instruments go that extra step in making the soundtrack feel perfectly fitting, and I think Partners ~ The Game is Afoot! is one of the most exciting and powerful tracks in the entire series. We received an excellent duology of games, bolstered by a brilliant, unforgettable soundtrack.