You may have heard about the little bet that I recently made with MonsterVine’s very own Multimedia team (Zack.) In the interest of fairness I decided to take on an a playthrough of a game of his choice. The choices eventually boiled down to just two games. One of them being the totally awesome yet mind-blowingly difficult freeware game Touhou or…
As I have seen the devastating effects that Touhou can have on a human being, I chose Sonic Unleashed. The first (and currently only) game to be given the ‘Abysmal’ rating on MonsterVine. So in the coming weeks, look for me to be losing my mind with the terrible game and cursing Zack’s name for all eternity.
If it’s any consolation, hearing him try and hit the notes from that advert will give me some motivation.
January 14, 2009 at 1:15 am
Sweet, sweet, sweeet vengeance.
January 14, 2009 at 1:16 am
::gets popcorn::
This should be fun!
January 14, 2009 at 1:19 am
I find it hard to tell who got the worse end of the bargain, having to sing that impossible to sing song or having the play Sonic Unleashed. Tough one.
January 14, 2009 at 2:22 am
Publically humiliating yourself everywhere or entertaining millions with your anger? so hard to choose <<