Playstation Network
Home’s taken a while to develop, we all know that, and so does SCEA. Tretton opened up and said a little of what’s happened....
Hi, what are you looking for?
Home’s taken a while to develop, we all know that, and so does SCEA. Tretton opened up and said a little of what’s happened....
Did you ever look back at the PSP and ask yourself, “Why UMD’s?” I know I have, I think that’s where the PSP fails....
Rag. Doll. Kung. Fu. What’s this? It’s sort of a sequel to Media Molecule’s Rag Doll Kung Fu on the PS2, the difference? It’s...
So Home is this huge online space where Playstation 3 users can create very in-depth characters where you can then move around the world...
Ah, PixelJunk Eden, we’ve all undoubtably seen or heard something on PixelJunk Eden. From Q-Games and award-winning Japanese artist Baiyon, PixelJunk Eden allows players...
flOw, created by thatgamecompany is now releasing their second game, Flower. One would think it was spelled “flOwer,” but it doesn’t look that way...
The Motorstorm: Pacific Rift trailer looks great, much better than the original Motorstorm. But a question arises, will they nickle-and-dime consumers as they did...