Xbox 360 Update Perhaps the biggest news revealed during the Microsoft E3 press conference was the redesign of the Xbox 360 interface. The Xbox...
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Xbox 360 Update Perhaps the biggest news revealed during the Microsoft E3 press conference was the redesign of the Xbox 360 interface. The Xbox...
Here’s the complete list of songs in the upcoming Rock Band 2, it’s said to be an exclusive to the 360, but I thought...
New Portable ID’s? Yes, Sony has released Portable ID’s, sort of like the PSN ID’s, but now on the PC! And these are official...
During the Microsoft E3 press conference today at E3, Square-Enix announced that Final Fantasy XIII would see a simultaneous release on the Xbox 360...
This new add-on is to make the Wii-mote more precise and have a 1:1 ratio of exactness, quite nice. Press release after the jump!
Covering E3, whether you’re right there watching it live or watching a respected game site’s broadcast of the action (as I will be doing...