Today’s State of Play concluded with the announcement of a new Astro Bot game from Team Asobi. Titled simply Astro Bot, this successor to Astro Bot Rescue...
At the State of Play, Koei Tecmo and Omega Force revealed the next entry in the Dynasty Warriors series, Dynasty Warriors: Origins. In a series known...
After being announced last year at the Game Awards, Capcom’s upcoming action RPG Monster Hunter Wilds received a new trailer in today’s State of Play....
At the Marvelous Game Showcase 2024, Marvelous USA and Xseed Games revealed new games in two of their long-running series, Story of Seasons and Rune...
As part of the Marvelous Game Showcase 2024, Marvelous USA and Xseed Games officially revealed the upcoming game Farmagia. First announced last year under the...