Nintendo Switch Reviews Summer in Mara Review – A Fun Distraction As Summer in Mara was first tutorializing me, Yaya Haku was instructing me to chop down a tree. Haku is the adoptive grandmother of... MonsterVine StaffJuly 15, 2020
Previews Hellbound Preview – A Blast from the Past Hellbound starts out by warning the player, “This game is being made like it was the ‘90s, some people may find it too difficult.”... Nick MangiaracinaJune 29, 2020
Previews She Dreams Elsewhere Preview – Hip Hop Beats to JRPG to You shouldn’t be here. Everyone hates you. They’re all ignoring you. Why are you even here? Thalia’s anxiety almost gets the better of her... Nick MangiaracinaJune 29, 2020
Previews Röki Preview – Trollsome Alone, next to a tree with many eyes, we’re introduced to Tove, a young girl searching for her family. Passing the Tree of Many,... Nick MangiaracinaJune 27, 2020
Previews Paradise Killer Preview – Trouble in Paradise It’s been three million days since Lady Love Dies has left the Idle Lands. To her, the next day would simply be three million... Nick MangiaracinaMay 8, 2020
News Massive Indie MEGABOOTH Sale Now Active on Steam A ton of new and old indie games are currently on sale as part of Steam’s Going Away (For Now) Sale. Spencer LegacyMay 7, 2020
PC Reviews Victory and Glory: The American Civil War Review – Grant Me Some Leeway Everyone is busy playing Doom Eternal or Animal Crossing, but when I play a game, I want something weird. Something obscure. Something nobody has... Tom RavencroftApril 17, 2020