It’s Friday, which means another weekly news round-up from MonsterVine. There was lots of news this week, so get your eyes ready to stare at the computer screen and read, and then turn to your favorite game and stare at the screen some more! Oh and hopefully the PlayStation Network will feel all better soon, or at least before E3 starts.
Check out the stories:
LA Noire Official Soundtrack and Remixed Album Details
Playstation Network To Be Fully Restarted By May 31
Brink Launch Trailer, Hits Tomorrow
From Dust Developer Diary Highlights Art
Deus Ex Human Revolution to be Available on Steam, Steamworks
Hunted: The Demons Forge ‘Forging a World’ Trailer
Next Call of Duty Announced in the ‘Coming Weeks’
IO Interactive Announces Hitman Absolution
3DS Touch Controls Unveiled for FIFA 12
The Cursed Crusade Co-op Trailer, Release Fall 2011
Dark Souls Will May Gamers Cry Come October
Armored Core V Releasing October in Japan, 2012 for EU, US
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Dated, October 11 in US
Soul Calibur 5 Announced, Hits 2012
Breaking News: 3DS eShop released
Tales of Graces f and Tales of Abyss 3DS coming to North America.
Namco Bandai announces Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate Ninja Impact
Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts Trailer and Screens
Duke Nukem Forever Comes OnLive
SEGA’s CRUSH3D Announced, For 3DS Of Course
Hunted “At War With Monsters” Dev Diary
New Alien Game in Development at Total War Dev, Creative Assembly
LA Noire Hinting at Future DLC Expansion
Happy Gaming Everyone!