It’s Friday and that means its time to catch up on all your MonsterVine content with another weekly news round-up.
As always, check out the list below to catch up on all the industry news, as well as the latest MonsterVine reviews.
Diego gets his tower and defense gears rolling this week to bring you a review of Anomaly: Warzone Earth:
Check out the news below:
Resident Evil 6 Second Trailer, New Release Date
Get a Boost With New DiRT Showdown Trailer
Skullgirls Comes to PSN April 11, XBLA April 12
Max Payne Mobile Heading to iOS April 12th
Torchlight II Discusses the Charge Bar
Hitman Absolution ‘Professional’ Edition
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS Vita Screenshots
Medal of Honor Gameplay Trailer is all Action
Dark Souls Coming Over to PC on August 24th
Dragon Ball Z Powers up to 9000 on Kinect
Shout Yourself to Embarrassment With new Kinect Update for Skyrim
One Piece: Pirate Warriors Announced for PS3
Sleeping Dogs Sets a Release Date for August 14th
Happy Gaming