Killzone 3, slated for a February 2011 release seems to be one of those games Sony really wants to sell consoles. What with the cover of the box being such a huge advertisement for just about everything possible on the system, there seems to be no space for any actual box art!
In the trailer, we get our first glimpse at what kind of new goodies await us in multiplayer this iteration; amongst those goodies lie exoskeletons, jet-packs and the all-too familiar squeaking XP sound.
Where does this trailer take place?
Corinth Highway. It is situated on the edge of Pyrrhus, the city which was nuked by Visari in an attempt to decimate the occupying ISA Forces. Now, a handful of surviving ISA and Helghast troops find themselves fighting for every square inch of remaining infrastructure in this broken city, while on the other side of the Pyrrhus River a new theater of war is already developing.