Rumors flying around the internet that PopCap was looking to be acquired for over $1 billion US dollars. That rumor is now true and Electronic Arts has officially bought the company for $750 million.
In line with recent EA purchases of late like Playfish, a social network game developer, the publisher is aggressively pursuing the casual and digital games market for the future. Its kinda surreal that games like Bejeweled, Peggle, and Plants vs. Zombies are now part of the Electronic Arts lineup.
“EA and PopCap are a compelling combination,” said EA CEO John Riccitiello. “PopCap’s great studio talent and powerful IP add to EA’s momentum and accelerate our drive towards a $1 billion digital business.”
“We picked EA because they have recast their culture around making great digital games,” said David Roberts, CEO of PopCap. “By working with EA, we’ll scale our games and services to deliver more social, mobile, casual fun to an even bigger, global audience.”