E3 2013 is finally over, and wow, what a crazy show it has been. There was amazing titles from what seemed like every genre, and the creativity of passionate developers seemed to ooze out of the Los Angeles Convention Center.
We now have a better idea of what the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 means for next-generation video games. Both consoles are looking top-notch, but will the DRM policies tied to the Xbox One lead more people to purchasing the PS4 when both consoles launch later this year? Or in the end, does used games, periodical online authentication and a $100 difference not enough to sway consumers from great first party titles? There is a battle brewing between Sony and Microsoft, but is PC gaming the real beneficiary from this war? E3 2013 is in the books, but we have a lot more questions than ever.
Along with all the news coming out of E3 2013, Austin Adamson has brought you his impressions from the show floor on each day of the event There’s a lot of links this week, so sit back, and soak up all of the video game goodness.
On day one of E3 2013, Austin takes a look at some of the first party titles from Nintendo. He also get his hands on the new Dual Shock 4 controller for the PlayStation 4:
Awesome Austin’s E3 Day 1 – Games Round Up
Austin brings you impressions of Dead Rising 3, the Konami booth and plenty more from the show floor on day two of E3:
Awesome Austin’s E3 Day 2 – Games Round Up
On the final day of E3 2013, Austin checks out some of the show’s biggest titles, including Destiny, Titan Fall, Transistor and more:
Awesome Austin’s E3 Day 3 – Games Round Up
E3 Day 0 news:
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII E3 Demo Gameplay
Redesigned Xbox 360 Available Today
Insomniac Games Reveals Sunset Overdrive, Exclusive to Xbox One
Killer Instinct Returns for Xbox One
Swery65′s Next Game D4 is an Xbox One Exclusive
Xbox One Releasing in November, Pricing Announced
Microsoft Reveals New Halo Xbox One Game
Capcom Brings Dead Rising 3 to the Xbox One
Ryse Coming to Xbox One, No Longer Kinect Only
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Screenshots
First Look at The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Gameplay, Coming to Xbox One
Mirrors Edge Revealed for Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Announced, Arriving on Xbox One First
Dragon Age: Inquisition Marks Fall 2014 Release
Ubisoft Gives Not One But Two AC4: Black Flag Trailers
PS4 pricing announced, Sony comments on used games
Bungie Seeks Destiny with 2014 Release
Just Cause Makers Behind the New Mad Max Video Game
The Elder Scrolls Online Coming to Xbox One and PS4
The Order: 1886 announced at Sony press conference
Star Wars: Battlefront Announced, In Development at DICE
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain E3 Trailer
E3 Day 1 news:
Bayonetta 2 Releases on Wii U in 2014
Smash Bros. Coming 2014, Introduces Mega Man
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Wii U Arrives this October
Super Mario 3D World Coming to Wii U this December 13
Pokemon X/Y Makes 3DS Debut on October 12
Mario Kart 8 Heads for the Finish Line on Wii U this Spring 2014
Xenoblade developers reveal ‘X,’ an open world RPG for release in 2014
New Donkey Kong series coming to Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds E3 Trailer
E3 Day 2 news:
Deadfall Adventures Coming in September
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Announced
Skylanders SWAP Force E3 Trailer
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut Coming to More Platforms
Konami Releases Extended Cut of MGSV Trailer
Final Fantasy XV Shows Off Real-Time Gameplay
The Evil Within Screenshots Give Glimpse Into Return of Survival Horror
Sony Clarifies Free to Play Games on PS4, Planetside 2 and DCUO Won’t Require PS Plus Subscription
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty Coming to Wii U and PS4
Wolfenstein: The New Order Marks Return of the Quintessential First Person Shooter
Thief – Out of the Shadows Details Stealth Action
E3 Day 3 news:
Below Is A Mysterious Roguelike for Xbox One
Tearaway Takes You On An Adventure In A Papercraft World
Hohokum Glides Its Way to PS4, PS3, and PS Vita in 2014
Little Flag Software Manipulates Physics in Kachina
Happy Gaming!