Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is an incredible JRPG. The characters are endearing, the story is enthralling, and the world is incredible. It’s incredible that one RPG series can so consistently put out great titles, but Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is further proof that there’s really nothing quite like Xenoblade.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Developer: Monolith Soft
Price: $60
Platform: Nintendo Switch (reviewed)
MonsterVine was provided with a Switch code for review
The Xenoblade series is, simply put, one of Nintendo’s best. There’s truly nothing like it, as it combines enormous and gorgeous worlds with strategic gameplay and mature stories. The series feels like the natural successor to the golden era of 90s JRPGs, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is no exception. If you’re looking for an all-around excellent RPG experience, this is the game for you.
The main characters of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 start on different sides of an endless war, leading to interesting ideology clashes. I’m a sucker for enemies becoming allies, so I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the team interact. Each character has their own distinct personality, which I found to be enjoyable as it led to fun interactions. These characters are quite different from the parties of previous Xenoblade titles, which makes this third title feel separate in that regard.
One big focus of the game’s narrative is the value of life and how fleeting it is. Since most of the characters start out with what is essentially an expiry date, they’re quite introspective about the meaning of life and its length. It’s a hefty theme to tackle, but Xenoblade Chronicles 3 does it well. This series is known for confronting mature themes, so I’m glad that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is keeping up this tradition with elegance.
The gameplay of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has plentiful similarities with past Xenoblade games but refines the systems to be smoother than ever. There’s a lot to learn and remember, for sure, but this information is presented in a more digestible manner than in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. There’s plenty of depth to the combat, and it’s as satisfying as ever to use different positions to hack away at an enemy’s health. There are different classes to master, which keeps the gameplay fresh throughout the game’s substantial runtime.
The Ouroboros system is a neat new feature, though I’ve got a soft spot for fusions/giant mech-esque things. By combining with another party member, you become an enormous monster and can destroy enemies in your path. It feels incredible and looks cool, and its introduction to the story is nothing short of hype-inducing.
There are lots of things to do outside of combat, from countless side missions to Xenoblade’s famous item collecting. Any reason to explore the massive world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a bonus for me, as there are little hidden containers and neat things in nooks and crannies across the map.
Given the game is on the Nintendo Switch, it’s fair to temper your expectations regarding the visuals. Even then, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 looks quite nice. The enormous, sprawling locations are a marvel, and the character models are decently expressive. I didn’t run into any major performance issues either, so I have no complaints in that department.
It wouldn’t be a Xenoblade game without an absolutely incredible soundtrack. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 features yet more brilliant music and delightfully impassioned voice acting. There’s a level of quality here that you won’t find in many other games, even of the AAA variety, which makes the game’s earlier-than-announced release even more impressive.
The Final Word
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is one of the best JRPGs in recent years. Its characters, story, and world are all exceptional, and it’s remarkably fun to play. The fact that this game came out ahead of its original release date is wild, as it’s turned out to potentially be the best RPG on the Nintendo Switch. If you’re looking for a long, enthralling game to get lost in, grab Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
MonsterVine Rating: 5 out of 5 – Excellent