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VibraSonic Mattress By Beyond-Sleep Review

Have you ever wanted to be fully immersed in your favorite song as you drift off to sleep? To feel the bass pulse against you?

VibraSonic Mattress By Beyond-Sleep
Price: $3,198 (on sale right now for $1,598) (VibraSonic Mattress)
MonsterVine was supplied with a queen sized VibraSonic and adjustable base for review
View our initial unboxing + impressions
Save 5% on a mattress with the code “MonsterVine” on Beyond-Sleep

The VibraSonic Mattress by Beyond-Sleep is a little bit different than a traditional mattress. It’s memory foam, it has RGB lighting, an adjustable base, and even built-in phone chargers. But that’s not what makes this different. What really sets it apart is that it has built-in subwoofers. I know that sounds a little ridiculous, and frankly, it is. It’s kind of crazy saying: “My bed has speakers in it” or “Hold on, let me connect the bed to the Bluetooth.” Yet, there we were connecting our phones to a bed, and playing music. The crazy thing? It not only worked, but it was kind of great. Beyond just the ironic enjoyment of a bed playing “All Star” while RGB lights flashed underneath, there is genuinely something comforting about just lying in bed with the sound coming up all around you. It can feel strangely comforting and immersive.

VibraSonic Mattress By Beyond-Sleep Specs & Features:

  • Built-In Subwoofers with 2x Satellite Speakers
  • Memory Foam
  • Adjustable Base
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Massage features
  • RGB lighting
  • Available sizes: Twin XL, Queen, Cal King (+Split option) and King (+Split option)

I remember one day writing something and just absentmindedly working on my laptop as the sound surrounded me, and bass gently went through me. It was incredibly calming and helped me focus. It’s something you wouldn’t expect to work, but does. That’s kind of the magic of this mattress. It also helps that the memory foam is very comfortable, and the adjustable base can shift the mattress to an almost makeshift couch, making watching TV or working more comfortable. It all works together exceptionally well.

There are a few issues, however. There are a lot of wires, and they have to crisscross under your bed in ways that don’t always look the greatest. There are wires for the adjustable base, the satellite speakers, the subwoofers, and the RGB lights. Thankfully only one thing has to be plugged in, but it’s still a lot of them, and figuring out what wire went where during construction was a little nerve wracking. The bed is also a little short when you start raising the head area, every once and a while I’d end up with my feet off the bed, but this could be fixed by readjusting the bed or scooting up. Also, the RGB lights are pointless, they’re fun, but we have cats and they like to sleep under the bed and weren’t particularly happy when their “cave” was suddenly filled with light.

That said, the VibraSonic Mattress is great. The central gimmick is a little silly, but it works, and frankly kind of rules. And above everything it’s comfy. The memory foam is super soft but firm enough that you don’t completely sink into it, and the adjustable base is honestly a game changer to someone who never had one before. If you’re looking for a new bed and want to try something different, you really can’t do worse.

The Good
Immersive Experience
Adjustable Base
Convenience Features
The Bad
Complex Wiring
Short Wire Length
Pointless RGB Lights
Initial Setup

The Final Word
The VibraSonic Mattress by Beyond-Sleep is a unique product that incorporates built-in subwoofers, RGB lighting, an adjustable base, and memory foam. It allows users to connect their phones via Bluetooth to play music directly through the mattress, creating an immersive auditory experience. The memory foam provides comfort, and the adjustable base enhances functionality, making it suitable for various activities like watching TV or working. Despite some drawbacks, such as the complexity of wiring and the shortness of the bed when adjusted, the mattress offers a novel and comfortable sleeping experience.

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