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Best of 2024 Awards – Annual Dumpster Fire Moment

The gaming industry had no shortage of controversy in 2024, but one trend stood out as the ultimate “Dumpster Fire Moment” of the year: layoffs. Once again, countless talented developers lost their livelihoods due to corporate greed and unsustainable practices, leaving a wake of frustration and despair throughout the gaming community.

Despite growing profits for many companies, the relentless push for bigger margins and short-term gains has fueled a cycle of instability that shows no signs of slowing down. MonsterVine’s team weighed in on this troubling phenomenon, sharing both their frustrations and faint glimmers of hope for a better future.

2024’s Dumpster Fire Moment – Layoffs (Again)

Tom: As a veteran of game industry layoffs that was used to getting let go every 6-12 months, it’s not exactly surprising to see that things have stayed exactly the same, but the industry’s steadfast refusal to learn literally anything about sustainable business models is astonishing, if only because…you know, you’d think someone would bumble into it by chance if nothing else. The gaming industry is the worst place for the relentless pursuit of Line Go Up at all costs and destroys endless lives and creative works in its wake. But hey, at least there’s free snacks and sodas in the breakroom WOOO! The upside is unions are starting to make some inroads among staff, so there is some room for hope. This is the inevitable result of a business run by people who don’t run screaming when they see what the lifestyle outside of the hype is like, since anyone with a lick of sense bails to literally anything more stable. Note: I didn’t have a lick of sense, as my shaky resume and the trail of failed projects I worked on will attest. 

James: Gaming continues to be a fiery mess of an industry, constantly laying off the people who actually make the games because the executives expect every game to make Fortnite money. It’s frustrating to lose talented artists because of poor financial decisions made by suits who don’t care about games to begin with, but to see these same companies continue to try these same frivolous things repeatedly is rage inducing. As long as these gaming companies are run by the same buffoons I’m not sure things will get better, but I hope developers find a way forward so this incredible artform can continue to exist and maybe one day thrive.

Spencer: I’m not sure how much there is for me to say at this point, as this problem just endures year after year. It’s confusing that so many people have their lives jeopardized by this industry that continues to balloon and thrive, and I sincerely hope we aren’t stuck writing this same entry for every year to come.

Nick: I’d like to applaud the business men that have convinced the world to let them dictate what a group of artists should do. It’s no wonder the appeal of AI seems to be strictly among the wealthy elite that are so creatively bankrupt they couldn’t make AI seem appealing enough to the masses they had to shove it down our throats. Even more impressive is how much they’ve managed to shift the narrative away from ever-growing executive salaries. Something that plagues the rest of the job market, apparently graphics are the thing that are causing game studios to shut down. And we all lap it up like trained hamsters, nodding away squeaking at each other, “Oh, it’s graphics, it’s graphics.” It sucks that gamers didn’t realize how much of a complete loser Elon Musk was until it came out that he paid to have his PoE2 character boosted but at least they’re starting to realize it now. The people with the money? They don’t know shit. And the fact that we let them do things like layoff an entire staff while skating off with a bag full of money is embarrassing. Layoffs? It’s the result of one thing, corporate greed, and underfunded indie studios that barely struggle to pay themselves a living salary. It isn’t the game’s industry savior we all think it is. I’m just talking to a brick wall though, because trying to get gamers to have social awareness is like teaching a cat how to read. Call me cynical, but this shit sucks.

Diego: This industry sucks man.

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