In an effort for strengthen their PC foothold Ubisoft is teaming up with NVIDIA to incorporate their GPU technology into their games while also continuing to provide bundle games with hardware upgrades.
Nvidia has been incorporating some strong technologies to help make games look as good as they can on PC with their hardware. Things like TXAA antialiasing, HBAO+ (horizon-based ambient occlusion), and advanced DX11 tessellation might sound like made up nonsense, but they are some of the components that work to deliver a beautifully rendered and hardware scalability experience for PC gamers. Now Nvidia will be working closer with the teams over at Ubisoft to help them take advantage of these systems.
Ubisoft named Splinter Cell Blacklist, Assassins Creed IV Black Flag and Watch Dogs as games which will be given this special PC treatment.
Splinter Cell Blacklist was released on Aug. 20 and is currently being given away for free with most of Nvidia’s GTX line of GPUs and gamers can expect the pack in game for new hardware to stick with a Ubisoft title, at least for the next few SKU revisions.